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This master programme in Pharmaceutical Analysis is designed to give the theoretical and practical skills needed to enter a career in pharmaceutical analysis or an allied science either in an academic institution, a research institute or in the industrial/business sector. In particular, it will give the opportunity to develop practical skills through an extended laboratory based research project. It will also enable students to develop an ability to plan a research project, apply effective data analysis skills to results, and to communicate findings in an articulate and professional manner.

The M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Analysis has been designed for graduates in chemistry, pharmacy and allied disciplines with the aim of providing advanced knowledge in pharmaceutical analysis, quality assurance and quality control of drug products analysis. Objective of this course is to give you specialized knowledge of the analytical techniques used to detect, identify and quantitatively determine drugs and related substances. Students will be introduced to techniques for evaluating analytical data and validating analytical methods. Students will also examine strategies for analytical research and development. Students will gain practical experience in a wide range of modern instrumentation and techniques. The course structure is designed so as to provide graduates with specialized knowledge and hands-on experience in the area of pharmaceutical analysis and research.

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Minimum Qualifications & Eligibility Criteria 

Candidate shall have passed B.Sc. examination conducted by the respective Central/State/Private University or colleges affiliated to UGC/ICAR and recognize by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) with Chemistry, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and related branches.

Criteria for Admission

On the Spot Admission is offered on the bases of Bachelor’s Degree score.

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  1. Short Title and Commencement

These regulations shall be called as “The Regulations for the Master of Science – Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Analysis)” post graduate programme as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). This shall come into effect from the Academic Year 2019-2020. The regulations framed are subject to modifications from time to time by the authorities of the Ganpat University.

  1. Eligibility Criteria for Admission
  2. Candidate shall have passed B.Sc. examination conducted by the respective Central/State/Private University or colleges affiliated to UGC/ICAR and recognize by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) with Chemistry, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and related branches.
  1. Duration of the Programme

The duration of the programme shall be of 2 academic years; consisting of total 4 semesters, 2 semesters in each year.

  1. Duration of Semester

The semester consisting of a minimum 90 days, excluding University examination. 

  1. Eligibility for Appearing at Semester End Examination

Eligibility for appearing at any semester end examination shall be granted provided,

  • The student has registered minimum 75% attendance in each course of that semester;
  • The students has to submit the term work journals/reports, assignments in time which shall be acceptable; and
  • The student has shown good conduct and behavior in the campus during the semester.
  • Up to 10% of deficiency in attendance can be condoned by the Director General of the University on the recommendation of the Head of the Institute.
  1. Evaluation Pattern and Standard of Passing

The Evaluation pattern and standard of passing shall be as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Regulations of the Ganpat University.

Evaluation will be done on a continuous evaluation basis. The student’s performance of course will be evaluated by assigning a letter grade on the point scale as per GNU CBCS Regulation.

  • For the purpose of Examination Scheme, for each subject, Theory and Practical Assessment, each shall be considered as a separate Head of Passing.
  • For each subject, the internal and semester end examination component will carry a 40% and 60% weightage of the total subject weightage respectively.
  • The internal component of 40% weightage shall be based on the instructions announced by the department/institute at the beginning of the course and shall be divided suitably among internal examination, assignment, class test, quiz, seminar, attendance etc. 
  1. Standard of Passing and Eligibility to the Next Semester 
  • For each course weightage of minimum passing marks will be 40% for each head (Theory and Practical).
  • Student failing in the end semester examination shall have choice of appearing in remedial examination, in which marks obtain in the internal exam shall be carried forward or student may repeat the course by registering as per Ganpat University Policy.
  1. Calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA):

As per Ganpat University CBCS Regulations. 

  1. Minimum Credit Requirements

The minimum credit points required for award of a M.Sc. Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Analysis) degree shall be as per curriculum approved by the Academic Council of Ganpat University from time to time. The credits shall be divided into Theory courses, Tutorials, Practical, Training, Seminar and Project over the duration of four semesters. Courses generally progress in sequences, building competencies and their positioning indicates certain academic maturity on the part of the learners. Learners are expected to follow the semester-wise schedule of courses given in the syllabus. 

  1. Eligibility for Award of the Program

A student, who has passed all the semesters and satisfied all the mandatory requirements, shall be eligible to receive Master of Science in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Analysis).

Degree of M.Sc. in Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Analysis) shall be awarded to the students on the basis of CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the last four Semesters. [/vc_column_text][/dt_sc_tab][/dt_sc_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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